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Social Media Policy

National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority (NCEMA) welcomes all kinds of participation from public and visitors, for such is considered an important factor in the decision-making process. We are also pleased to receive your comments, opinions and views via all social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube).

NCEMA reserves the right to prevent the publication of any materials that:

  •  Represents a threat to security.
  • Violates the privacy of others or abusive to others.
  • Includes inappropriate language.
  • Inaccurate or unauthenticated.
  • Contrary to the customs and traditions of the United Arab Emirates.
  • Conflicts with the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates.

NCEMA is committed to implementing the eParticipation guidelines issued by the federal e-government.

For more information concerning the social networking and open data guidelines, please visit Emirates eGovernment website